Marketing Jokes You Can Take to the Next Mixer

Content Marketing

Today we celebrated American Thanksgiving, and the holiday got me thinking about close gatherings and how we talk to each other nowadays. Me ranting about technology and its affects on the increasingly modern world isn’t a new thing. As I looked around the table, a lot of people were on their phones. Whether that was taking photos of the turkey or saying “Happy Thanksgiving” indirectly to someone else, nobody was really talking to each other.


It was like a dead zone.

So how do you bring back a little life to these gatherings? And not just family ones too, I’m talking about all gatherings, especially if you come from a geeky marketing background like me. There’s nothing like a good set of jokes – corny marketing jokes, to get your guests rolling their eyes and laughing. Heres out favourite 10 jokes to crack at your next mixer.


Plus, content can only compel readers if it’s engaging. What better way to be engaging than to do it through humor? We'll be writing another blog soon on networking tips for small businesses. But for now, enjoy these, use these and bring them out for a little comedy relief during your business meeting.

This guy gets it, and he's totally someone from our office.

1) How many Ghostit staff does it take to change a light bulb?

None! It’s automated


2) How much does a hipster weigh?

An Insta-gram!

3) What is a pirates favourite marketing content?

A webin-aaaaarrr, preferably one that’s B2Sea

4) Why did the marketer get off the trampoline?

He was afraid of his bounce rate!

5) Why did the marketer dump her boyfriend?

There was a lack of engagement

6) Q: Knock, knock!

A: Who’s there?

Q: Remarketing!

A: Remarketing, who?

Q: Knock, knock!

A: Who’s there?

Q: Remarketing!

Our Personal Favourite

6) An SEO copywriter walks into a bar, bars, tavern, pub, pubs, public house, Irish, bartender, drinks, beer, wine, liquor...

7) Why did the couple not get married?

They weren’t on the same landing page

8) How do you get someone to notice you online?

You make an impression

9) What does an SEO professional see when they see twins?

Duplicated content

10) Why did the B2B marketer get fired as a movie director?

Weak call to actions

If you thought our jokes were as hilarious or corny as we did send us an email at and we will personally tell you another hilarious joke!

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Rahul Bhatia

Co-founder of Ghostit

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Marketing Jokes You Can Take to the Next Mixer

Marketing Jokes You Can Take to the Next Mixer

Author :

Rahul Bhatia

Today we celebrated American Thanksgiving, and the holiday got me thinking about close gatherings and how we talk to each other nowadays. Me ranting about technology and its affects on the increasingly modern world isn’t a new thing. As I looked around the table, a lot of people were on their phones. Whether that was taking photos of the turkey or saying “Happy Thanksgiving” indirectly to someone else, nobody was really talking to each other.


It was like a dead zone.

So how do you bring back a little life to these gatherings? And not just family ones too, I’m talking about all gatherings, especially if you come from a geeky marketing background like me. There’s nothing like a good set of jokes – corny marketing jokes, to get your guests rolling their eyes and laughing. Heres out favourite 10 jokes to crack at your next mixer.


Plus, content can only compel readers if it’s engaging. What better way to be engaging than to do it through humor? We'll be writing another blog soon on networking tips for small businesses. But for now, enjoy these, use these and bring them out for a little comedy relief during your business meeting.

This guy gets it, and he's totally someone from our office.

1) How many Ghostit staff does it take to change a light bulb?

None! It’s automated


2) How much does a hipster weigh?

An Insta-gram!

3) What is a pirates favourite marketing content?

A webin-aaaaarrr, preferably one that’s B2Sea

4) Why did the marketer get off the trampoline?

He was afraid of his bounce rate!

5) Why did the marketer dump her boyfriend?

There was a lack of engagement

6) Q: Knock, knock!

A: Who’s there?

Q: Remarketing!

A: Remarketing, who?

Q: Knock, knock!

A: Who’s there?

Q: Remarketing!

Our Personal Favourite

6) An SEO copywriter walks into a bar, bars, tavern, pub, pubs, public house, Irish, bartender, drinks, beer, wine, liquor...

7) Why did the couple not get married?

They weren’t on the same landing page

8) How do you get someone to notice you online?

You make an impression

9) What does an SEO professional see when they see twins?

Duplicated content

10) Why did the B2B marketer get fired as a movie director?

Weak call to actions

If you thought our jokes were as hilarious or corny as we did send us an email at and we will personally tell you another hilarious joke!

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