Rahul Bhatia

Co-founder of Ghostit

Rahul Bhatia

TCB Specialist

If we told you Rahul was Batman, you probably wouldn’t believe us. Regardless of what you think, that is what we call him, although we spell it ‘Bhatman’. In his 9+ years of launching and growing small to medium-sized businesses, he has developed a taste for seeing numbers rise and makes it a priority to ensure growth in all of our clients’ businesses. Have you ever had anyone bring devil sticks to a meeting? Rahul wouldn’t either but he’d show you his moves if you asked nicely.

Articles written by
Rahul Bhatia
Where Do You Get Social Media Content Ideas For Your Company's Employee Advocacy Program?

Creating a successful employee advocacy program on social media requires a well-defined employee advocacy content strategy and a steady stream of high-quality content. Learn some of the best spots to get content ideas for your social media in this blog.

How to Build a Successful Blog for Your Business

Learn how to create a successful business blog post that informs and converts customers without resorting to annoying sales pitches, including tips such as understanding your audience, creating consistent schedules, and prioritizing quality content.

Why You Should Be Working with a Content Agency

Businesses that work with content agencies enhance their content marketing efforts, better understand their brand and customers, capitalize on a content strategy that works, and increase the effectiveness of their SEO efforts.

Creating an Employee Advocacy Content Strategy For Larger Enterprise Companies

An employee advocacy program amplifies your content and builds your brand's credibility. An employee advocacy strategy can help even the largest enterprise company grow and expand its reach and reputation.

Dissecting Bloomberg’s Content Marketing Efforts

Bloomberg remains relevant through its content marketing efforts by delivering end-to-end financial SaaS, enterprise apps, trading platforms, and analytical data. It rules the roost by driving the narrative in print and digital content.

5 Reasons Why Your Content Isn't Converting

The main objective of any great piece of content really boils down to two things: it needs to engage your audience and help drive business. If your content does both these things consistently — mission accomplished. Unfortunately, a lot of companies miss the mark on this objective and are left with content that doesn't serve that purpose.

Audience Personas & How to Create Content For Them

Knowing who your audience is is vital. By understanding your audience personas, you'll be able to create content specific to their needs for a greater return on investment (ROI).

How to Give Value in Your Social Media Posts

The best way to create a loyal following on social media is by providing value and content your customers want and need.

How to Engage Your Followers On Social Media

A large follower count on social media means nothing if they don't engage with your content. Increase your engagement on social media with these tips.

B2B Lead Generation: HubSpot’s Step-by-Step Guide to Promoting Lead Generating Content

We reverse engineered how HubSpot promotes their B2B lead capture content and broke it down into a template so you can apply it to your business.

How to Pitch Like Steve Jobs

Story telling is at the heart of every Steve Jobs pitch. Learn more about how you can master his pitching ability in this blog post.

Is the Advice “Don’t Re-Invent the Wheel” Accurate? – A Tip for New Entrepreneurs

We looked at whether the advice "Don't Reinvent the Wheel" is actually good advice.

From 0 to Hero – How Billion Dollar Companies Made Their First Dollar

We take a look at Billion Dollar Companies and learn from how they got their first customers.

Grow Your SaaS Company: Part 2 – Using Existing Tools You Don't Know About

Have a SaaS product? Don't know where to start with increasing leads and growing revenue? I talk about how you can leverage already existing tools out there for acquiring new customers.

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Read Our Latest Blog Posts!

Content Marketing Rules: Always Be Authentic

Authenticity in content marketing fosters genuine connections with your audience by prioritizing emotional engagement and relatability over mere keyword optimization, ultimately building stronger brand loyalty and trust.

What Businesses Can Learn About Social Media Marketing Success from Influencers

Businesses can enhance their social media marketing by learning from influencers to prioritize authentic engagement, leverage data insights, and build genuine connections, moving beyond mere surface metrics to achieve lasting success.

The 6 Things I Have Learned About Content Marketing in My 6 Years with Ghostit

In my six years with Ghostit, the key content marketing lessons I've learned emphasize the importance of relationships, deadlines, and authenticity. Learn the valuable lessons it's taken me 6 years in the industry to understand.

Is Content Marketing Worth It for B2B Companies?

Discover the undeniable value of content marketing for B2B companies, driving lead generation, conversion, and establishing thought leadership, while also exploring the synergy of employee advocacy to enhance authenticity and credibility in the digital landscape.

The #1 Lesson from FedEx’s Content Marketing Strategy

Learn how FedEx revamped its content marketing strategy, recycling existing content to cut costs, implementing an ABLE mindset for customer-centric content, and emphasizing communication and alignment across the organization, ultimately boosting revenue by 82%.

How to Mimic Word of Mouth Marketing in Digital Content Marketing

Unlock the power of word-of-mouth marketing in the digital realm with our comprehensive guide to leveraging testimonials, influencer partnerships, user-generated content, and employee advocacy in your content marketing strategy.

Content Trends to Capitalize on in 2024: A Ghostit Insight

Stay ahead in 2024 with our insights on content trends. Explore the rise of AI-assisted content creation, the impact of short-form videos, the immersive world of interactive and AR/VR experiences, the power of user-generated content and influencers, and the growing momentum of employee advocacy.

Maximizing the Impact: A Comprehensive Guide to Measuring the ROI of Your Employee Advocacy Program

Unlock the full potential of your business with a strategic employee advocacy program. Take a close look at the importance of measuring ROI, focusing on internal metrics for fostering a positive workplace culture and external metrics to drive brand visibility, engagement, and revenue growth.

How Reebok Used Employee Advocacy to Exponentially Boost its Social Media Presence

Reebok's success in employee advocacy stems from integrating brand values into corporate culture, prioritizing employee messaging for trustworthiness, fostering a fun atmosphere with #FitAssCompany, and emphasizing transparency. This blog offers valuable insights for building and scaling effective employee advocacy programs.